“Revolutionary New Way to Prevent Fall and Improve Balance and Movement When you have Parkinson’s Disease”
What is considered to be a “Parkinson’s disease or PD”?
Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder affecting movement, muscle control and balance that worsens over time. It involves malfunction and death of nerve cells or neurons in the brain. These neurons produces dopamine which send signals to the part of the brain that controls movement and coordination which leads to inability to control normal movements. It can be on one side of the body or both sides.
What causes Parkinson’s disease or PD?
To date, causes of Parkinson’s disease is still unknown, despite decades of extensive studies. Many experts think that it can be caused by genetic or environmental factors or combination of both.
Impairments it can cause…
Motor symptoms can include Resting Tremors of the hands, arms, legs, or face; Bradykinesia or slowing down of movements causing shuffling gait or walking; Rigidity or stiffness of limbs and trunks; Postural instability or impaired balance and coordination; Freezing or feeling of getting “stuck” in initiating or terminating a movement; Stooped Posture or tendency to lean forward, Dystonia or involuntary muscle contractions; Akathisia or feeling of inner restlessness and the need to be in constant motion; Difficulty eating and swallowing. Non-Motor symptoms can include sleep disorder, orthostatic hypotension or sudden drop in blood pressure when a person gets up from sitting or laying down, fatigue, depression, fear and anxiety, cognitive problems such as memory difficulties, confusion, Dementia.
Physiologically, the pain often stems from…
- Persistent tremor
- Muscle Rigidity
- Dystonia
- Akathisia
- Musculoskeletal injuries from a fall
- Inflammations
With Parkinson’s disease, when should I worry?
- When you fall
- If you’re taking drugs but it no longer helps
- Chronic Pain
- New onset or worsening symptoms
When does it become an emergency?
- You have excruciating pain.
- If you suffer a fall
- If you can’t get up
If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately.
Traditional treatments that most try but are not as effective include:
- Chiropractor
- Acupuncture
- Generic Therapy
- Generic exercises (Youtube, personal trainer)
If left untreated, Parkinson’s disease can lead to Fall, Immobility and possibly death.
Pakinson’s disease or PD can lead to loss of balance and fall, immobility and possibly death if left untreated. Fall causes fractures, and trauma which can lead to bleeding and death. Loss of muscle control, stiffness, decrease range of motion and cognitive impairment can lead to inactivity and immobility.
“How do you get rid of Falling and Improve Balance and Movement with Parkinson’s disease?”
My revolutionary “Movement Therapy” program helps improve balance and it often works in as little as 1 session. Depending on the complexity of your condition, it may take up to 8 sessions to fix.
It’s a high-effort, intensive exercise-base therapy that uses a single amplitude (bigger movements), and teaches the amount of effort required to produce normal movements. It translates the bigger movement to produce normal everyday activities. It teaches individuals with PD and other neurological conditions to use the bigger movements anywhere, anytime in daily living.
In case you were wondering, it’s all-natural. No drugs. No injections. No surgery involved.
This discovery has led to a dramatic increase in how fast my patients got better. They were able to walk with confidence. They were able to sleep, perform daily activities again. They were able to play sports, work and live their life again!
Not all treatments are the same.
Not all traditional balance treatment and fall prevention treatments lead to a better posture and balance (not by any means). And believe it or not, some may actually make your posture worse! Not all practitioners treat balance problem same. And not all treatments does this “Movement Therapy”.
My method is highly unique. I focus on amplitude, high-effort, intensive, bigger movements in the entire body to get quick maximum results.
“Who are you?”
My name is Sharmin Tiu-Curcio, OT and I am a licensed Occupational Therapy therapist who specializes in dizziness, vertigo, and Balance problem. I have a special interest in helping those with Neurological and Balance problem become more confident, healthy and active.
“What can I expect from this program?”
- Improve balance *
- Identify risk factors catered to you
- Improve posture.
- Increase energy
- Improve self-esteem
- Move better, faster and easier
*The complexity of your condition will determine your level of results.
“How quickly will I see results?”
- Most feel better immediately. You can expect the balance to improve after the very first session.
- You could see an improvement in posture in as little as 7 days while on this program.
- Most are done with the program in 8 sessions and then continue on their own. Some require 12 sessions depending on the complexity of their condition.
“How much does it cost?”
- Because there are so many people who I believe need access to this vital information, I have created a special program to make it extremely affordable for everyone. You don’t need insurance or pay thousands of dollars.
- The cost ranges from $37 to $87 per session. And most complete the program within 6 sessions.
- The complexity of your condition will determine how many sessions you’ll need. Most everyone sees results the very first session and they love it.
“What if it doesn’t work for me?”
There’s a 100% money-back guarantee. If it doesn’t work, you can get your money back. There’s no risk.
Even if you tried other treatments before, this is guaranteed to work or your money back. So, if you tried drugs, manipulation, chiropractor, injections, acupuncture, or even surgery without success, you owe it to yourself to try this.
Disclaimer: If insurance is used to pay for treatment, the money-back guarantee does not apply due to strict state and federal insurance laws.
“What’s my next step?”
As you can imagine there are a lot of people wanting to start this program. But due to my limited availability, I only have a few spots available at any given time.
It’s only for those serious about improving balance and preventing falls.
If that is you, call (718) 285-0884 and my assistant will call you to schedule your first session..
Remember, this is only for you if you are serious about results. Click below to get started or call (718) 285-0884 now.
“What’s included in the First Session?”
The First Session includes:
- A private one-to-one exam by a licensed occupational therapist.
- A detailed explanation of the ROOT CAUSE of your problem.
- A list of exercises and things you can do at home to start feeling better right away.
*If time permits, you’ll receive a quick treatment as well.
“Is it safe?”
Yes. All procedures are FDA cleared and proven safe. I am a licensed Occupational Therapist with over 10 years of practice in the state of NY and PA. My license # is 013921.
“What if I had surgery before?”
It’s safe even if you’ve had surgery. You may need more sessions but you will still see results.
“I felt 90% better the first session. I couldn’t believe it. Now, I’m back to dancing with my wife and golfing again. I will be recommending you to others. Thank you!”
-William Skyler, Mid 50’s