What is BPPV? BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is when the crystals in your ear dislocated to the semicircular canals causing sensitivity to changes in positions. Most commonly affects Posterior Canal. The vertigo is short duration. Nausea, diaphoresis, & emesis may occur. People usually goes for Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR) for treatment. But what happens after VR (or Vestibular Rehab)? What’s next? How can we prevent it from recurring or happening again?
There are some restrictions that you can do or follow after a VR, if indicated by your therapist, to minimize recurrence.
1. Avoid vertical head movement for 24 hrs. You would want to avoid moving your head in upward and downward direction, as if like “Bobbing” your head up and down.
2. Avoid sleeping on the involved side for the next 2-3 nights. If your problem is on the right ear, avoid sleeping or laying on it for the next few days/nights.
3. Sleep in semi-inclined (30 degrees) from the bed for 1 night. You can add more pillows on your head to make it higher, or you can use a soft wedge-type pillow on your head.
4. Vitamin D intake with food. High dosage of Vit. D may assist in re-absorption of the Crytals from the inner ear back to the body, since Crystals are tiny pieces of Calcium Carbonate. You must consult with your physician before taking Vit D.
There are also some risk factors associated with BPPV:
Age, head trauma, inner ear infections, stress, depression, caffeine and alcohol have all been associated with BPPV. Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Migraine, Meniere’s disease and Osteoporosis have also been associated to increase the risk.
What you can do: You can reduce stress where possible, and avoid medications or drugs to reduce possible side effects will help with the vertigo, and have your physician check your Vitamin D levels. Talk to your doctor or your vestibular rehab therapist of any concerns or symptoms that you are experiencing.